50 ton cement tank trailer

The Significance of Cement Bulk Trailer Tesearch

Cement bulk trailer belongs to a kind of particular vehicle, equipped with a special tank, using compressed air into the tank so that the powder-like solid materials fluidized, driven by the pressure difference in the tank, through the pipeline transport to a specific high and distant, used to transport powder-like solid materials (bulk cement, fly ash, dry mortar, slag, flour

etc.) of tank-type special transport vehicles.

50 ton cement tank trailer

With the development of China’s economy, the large scale of China’s infrastructure construction, and the promotion of urbanization, China’s demand for

The demand for powder-like construction materials is huge, and cement, for example, has been in high growth for more than ten years. China’s cement production volume reached 2.35 billion tons in 2015, and its production and sales volume have jumped to first place in the world, accounting for 60% of the global cement production; at the same time.

At the same time, the bulking rate of domestic cement products exceeded 58.3%, and the output of bulk cement was 1.37 billion tons. However, compared with developed countries.

However, compared with the ratio of 80% to 90% in developed countries, there is still a large room for improvement. Therefore, cement trailers will still be in great demand for a relatively long time.

40 ton cement transport truck semi trailer

As the primary transportation tool for bulk cement, Cement bulk trailer (starting now referred to as “cement trailer” or “powder.

The number of cement trailers exceeded 50,000 in 2015. The use of powder material trailers to transport bulk cement can significantly improve the efficiency of cement transportation, reduce the intermediate packaging link, reduce material loss, reduce environmental pollution, and reduce manual labor intensity. The bulk production and bulk transportation of cement has become a vital part of national economic construction and green environment development. The promotion and application of size production and bulk transportation of cement have significantly reduced environmental pollution and driven the extensive use of green and clean production.

With the increase of all kinds of freight cars, establish a safe, standardized and regulated road transport market, maintain a good road traffic order, and ensure the highway traffic order.

To establish a safe, standardized, and regulated road transportation market, maintain a good road traffic order, and ensure the integrity of road facilities and road traffic safety, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, and other seven departments issued the “Implementation Plan for the Control of Overloading of Vehicles in the Country” on April 30, 2004, and in 2007, which strictly limits the maximum allowable total mass of all types of vehicles in the process of driving. Under this circumstance, in the process of transportation, to pursue maximum operating efficiency, the customer reduces the overall mass of the vehicle to “pull more” when it is fully loaded, which is the most direct way; at the same time, after reducing the overall mass, it will save the fuel of the vehicle when it is empty. At present, the freight cost of bulk cement is about

dry bulk tank trailer

At the same time, according to the research report of the European Aluminum Association, every 1000kg lighter vehicle can save 0.6L of fuel per 100km. If the weight of the cement trailer is reduced by 500kg, the annual driving distance is 160,000km, and the unloaded distance is calculated by 50%. If the weight of the cement trailer is reduced by 500kg, it can travel 160,000km in a year, and the distance is calculated by 50% of the empty load. Therefore, in the general environment of super regulation, the customers demand the lightweight design of the vehicle to pursue economic benefits.

Due to the rising prices of raw materials such as steel and chemicals, the production cost of automobiles is also rising, while

40 ton cement transport truck semi trailer

The differentiation of customers’ demands is also increasing, resulting in very high pressure on market-oriented sales of products and increasing the importance of manufacturing costs in the automobile transportation market. This requires automotive manufacturers to put products lightweight.

This requires automobile manufacturers to put product design and manufacturing into a higher position.

vacuum cement tanker

Another piece of information shows that every 1kg of weight reduction of a vehicle can reduce CO2 generation by 28 kilograms. If a cement trailer reduces weight by 500kg, it can reduce CO2 emission by 14 tons in total, air can be improved and social gain is apparent.

According to the above, the lightweight design of cement trailers will have significant practical significance under the large market demand capacity of cement tankers and strict regulation of overloading, and the requirement of pursuing economic benefits and advocating social and environmental benefits by customers.

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